How to add a new song or album

The following steps assumes you are already logged in and you are on your dashboard.

To add a song do the following:

  1. Goto Songs > Add new:
  2. Add song title:
  3. Write a short description about song and you may as well add contacts details for fans to contact you:
  4. Add some tags to your song and select genre type:
  5. Type and select artist name from the dropdown:
  6. Click ‘Add Track’ and re-type the song title just like ‘Step 2’:
  7. Click ‘Upload’ to add your audio file and the following screen will show up:
  8. To upload your audio file either drag and drop or click the upload tab and browse for the file on your computer. When done fill in artist, title, album, caption, description the way you see fit then click ‘Insert’.
  9. A link is added to the ‘Audio’ text box:
  10. Click ‘Add Icon’ to add your new song download link. A new screen will show up and type ‘download’ on the search text box to filter the icons and then select the second icon
  11. Add download Title as shown on the image and copy the audio link from from Step 9 and paste it as the download link –  see image:
  12. Adding song process should the done but if it is and album then repeat steps 5 to step 11 and when done the only thing left will be to add an album/song cover.
  13.  Click ‘Set featured image upload an image then click insert.
  14. When done scroll up and click ‘Publish’ to make the post go live.
  15. Test if everything is working by navigating to the song page using the permalink url:
  16. If you get here, congratulations your music is now live on and you may share the link on all your social media pages